I thought it would be a fun idea to share my process on how to make a wildlife documentary in case anyone is wanting to learn how! There is no “set” way to making a documentary, however I have found that these 7 steps or processes can really help organize your mind into what you need to think and consider when you want to produce a wildlife documentary. There are so many moving components, especially as you scale up your productions, so if there’s anything I can help you with on your way to becoming a wildlife filmmaker, I’m happy to share what I’ve learned on my own journey!

I thought I’d share my process on how I produce wildlife films. Feel free to copy, use these steps on your own, craft your own way forward, but the main thing is get out there and create! There’s no “right way” to make a film. 

Story is everything. Focus on story.

My 7 steps for making a wildlife documentary are: Research, Planning, Fundraising, Scheduling, Production, Post Production, Distribution

My process, I use Google Drive:

  1. Research
    1. What’s it about? Story is everything.
    2. Is It Feasible 
    3. Who Are the Characters
    4. Potential audience
      1. Who is it for?
      2. Where does it live?
  2. Planning
    1. Story board
      1. Audience is key
    2. Script
    3. Budgeting
    4. Character confirmation 
    5. Location scheduling
    6. Right equipment/personnel
    7. Shot lists
  3. Fundraising
    1. Kickstarter
    2. Friends and family
    3. Personal time
  4. Scheduling
    1. Coordinating
  5. Production
    1. Following shot lists
    2. Having a good team
    3. Reviewing footage/takes
    4. Media management!
  6. Post production 
    1. Organizing footage
    2. Creating selects
    3. Putting together sequences
    4. Rough Cut to Fine Cut
  7. Distribution
    1. Where does it live?
    2. Film festivals
    3. Distribution companies
    4. Free or PPV?

These are just my ideas, and how I go about making a film, but it’s try and do what works for you. But hopefully this can help you on your journey to making films yourself.

Be sure to like and subscribe. Leave me a comment and let me know what you found the most helpful! I love to hear what you guys have to say!

Until next time!
