AMONG THE JOSHUA | Filming the Wild in Joshua Tree National Park

Among the Joshua. I recently had an opportunity to spend a day in Joshua Tree National Park filming and wanted to focus on telling a story about the importance of nature and the fragility surrounding these iconic monoliths of the Mojave Desert. We all have the power to change the future, and ensure that this incredible yucca, the Joshua Tree, remains on the landscape for generations to come. These amazing trees are really not trees, but rather one of the tallest members of the yucca family and are threatened by climate change. I filmed this all on the new Sony A7s III, a superb tool for the job, along with the Atomos Ninja V external recorder, and paired this combo with th Sigma 24-70 f/2.8 DG DN Art Lens and the Sigma 60-600mm f/4.5-6.3. A link to the rest of my equipment is below.

A “Behind the Scenes” of this video is coming out next so stay tuned!

“Among The Joshua” won three awards! Best Documentary, Best Cinematography, and Best Director at the 2021 Show Low International Film Festival in Show Low, Arizona.
